Monday, May 7, 2012


Give me little detail on your blog about Autism , so other people can read it in terms of what type of help they are looking for !!

Using Comments :
  1. Name of the blog
  2. Link to your blog
  3. How it helps the readers
  4. Give me some keywords on what Diet,Therapies,Treatments you are using for AUTISM
I will then add the link to my post with provided details. You can look at existing comments for example also.


Details for Blog
1. Name of Blog- 52 weeks without shopping and Fighting Autism for 4 yr old
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps-Day to day struggles with Autism,Progress with SON-RISE play-therapy program
4. Abstract Details-SON-RISE , play-therapy

Details for Blog
1. Name of Blog-Bluecrisps (twitter: AutismMumma)
2. Link to
3. How it Helps-Blogging about our day to day and specific experiences - educational, diet, medical etc - hoping that others will be assisted and empathise
4. Abstract Details- Awaiting a referral to psychologists etc

Details for Blog
1. Name of Blog-Homeschooling Autism
2. Link to
3. How it Helps- Blog on education for autism
4. Abstract Details- Education

Details for Blog
1. Name of Blog-Mozart,Picasso and Princess
2. Link to
3. How it Helps- Asperger;homeschool,understanding Mom's parents/needs as well
4. Abstract Details- Asperger,Education

Details for Blog
1. Name of Blog-still looking up
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps- Personal blog on autism and family
4. Abstract Details- Therapy,school,recreation,siblings

Details for Blog
1. Name of Blog-Nathan's voice
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps- Personal blog on autism and family
4. Abstract Details- Educative, Resources for Help,Siblings,Therapy

Details for Blog

1. Name of Blog-Aspie in the family
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps- Blogging about raising a son with ASD and a daughter with aspergers. Covers education, school refusal, mental health, parenting and motherhood. Hoping to help others.4. Abstract Details- Psychiatric support, education.

Details for Blog

1. Name of Blog-HouseofKrause
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps- Knowledge on Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Abstract Details- Apraxia,Speech

Details for Blog

1. Name of Blog-GotDownsyndrome
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps- Blog of a girl who has a brother with down syndrome

4. Abstract Details- Speech Prompt, Down syndrome,Books,therapies,Diets

Details for Blog

1. Name of Blog-Test Yet Trying
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps-This blog documents personal and professional journey through raising a daughter with Childhood Apraxia of Speech and through our family's journey raising two young children

 4. Abstract Details- Apraxia Resources

Details for Blog

1. Name of Blog-Autism The Double-Edged Sword
2. Link to Blog-
3. How it Helps- Blog is to show the violent side of autism,that its not all bad and its got an entry about half term-making it autism friendly.I wrote it hoping to make friends also with violent autistic kids

4. Abstract Details- Dealing with Challenging,Aggressive,Behavior of Autism


  1. 1. 52 weeks without shopping and Fighting Autism
    3. It helps readers to educate them about Autism,day to day struggles with Autism and especially if they are running SON-RISE program
    4. SON-RISE program

  2. 1. Bluecrisps (twitter: AutismMumma)
    3. Blogging about our day to day and specific experiences - educational, diet, medical etc - hoping that others will be assisted and empathise
    4. Awaiting a referral to psychologists etc

  3. 1. Aspie in the family (also on twitter @MumForAutism)
    2. htt://
    3. Blogging about raising a son with ASD and a daughter with aspergers. Covers education, school refusal, mental health, parenting and motherhood. Hoping to help others.
    4. Psychiatric support, education.
