Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ideas how to explain lying vs playing a trick (joke) to child who doesn't understand diff between reality/make believe ?

Inspired by Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg
Ideas how to explain lying vs playing a trick (joke) to child who doesn't understand diff between
reality/make believe? #asperger #autism

Some Answers from Facebook friends of Becky Hallberg

Becky Hallberg ‏@BeckyHallberg @angelsnest777 @ellevogueandme Some answers from FB friends: 1.Jokes/Tricks make us laugh/feel good;
lying makes other person feel badly.

Becky Hallberg ‏@BeckyHallberg @angelsnest777 @ellevogueandme 2.Lying is to get out of trouble/get out of responsibility; jokes for
showing happiness/making someone happy.

Becky Hallberg ‏@BeckyHallberg @angelsnest777 @ellevogueandme 3.Intent behind joke=2make someone laugh. Intent behind lie=cover up 

Educative and Informative Discussion between BeckyHallberg and JenTroester

Jen ?@JenTroester @BeckyHallberg have you tried turning it around and asking how he would feel? Easier for our kids to
think in those terms.

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg @JenTroester It's still a new concept & we'll keep working; just curious what others had tried - 'cause
we'll try anything! :)

Jen ?@JenTroester @BeckyHallberg yeah, K doesn't care much unless she doesn't earn, say, iPad time ;)

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg
@JenTroester but I want to keep it from turning into an all-out "lying fest".

Jen ?@JenTroester @BeckyHallberg yeah, we are huge with reinforcements.

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg @JenTroester Sure does help! He hates when he loses a privilege - meltdown waiting to happen!

Jen ?@JenTroester @BeckyHallberg have you tried turning it around and asking how he would feel? Easier for our kids to
think in those terms.

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg @JenTroester to some extent, yes, & it works except when he lies. Then he tries to brush it off like it
wouldn't bother him.

Jen ?@JenTroester @BeckyHallberg is it a daily issue? Can he earn something preferred for not lying, not earn it if he
does? We do earned things a ton.

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg @JenTroester It's not daily, no, really just a brand new issue we're noticing & trying to head off b4 it
becomes a daily issue.

Jen ?@JenTroester @BeckyHallberg the visual part of the autism sometimes responds to that. As opposed to us just telling
her. It's hard, I know!

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg @JenTroester ooh - yes! That's good! We've done visual cues for other things as well.

Jen ?@JenTroester
@BeckyHallberg have you tried turning it around and asking how he would feel? Easier for our kids to
think in those terms.

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg
@JenTroester It's still a new concept & we'll keep working; just curious what others had tried - 'cause
we'll try anything! :)

Jen ?@JenTroester
@BeckyHallberg yeah, K doesn't care much unless she doesn't earn, say, iPad time ;)

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg
@JenTroester Reinforcement might be a great way to tackle this. He's still "exploring" how we'll respond
& his answers are never malicious,

Jen ?@JenTroester
@BeckyHallberg have you tried turning it around and asking how he would feel? Easier for our kids to
think in those terms.

@JenTroester to some extent, yes, & it works except when he lies. Then he tries to brush it off like it
wouldn't bother him.

Jen ?@JenTroester
@BeckyHallberg is it a daily issue? Can he earn something preferred for not lying, not earn it if he
does? We do earned things a ton.

Becky Hallberg ?@BeckyHallberg
@JenTroester It's not daily, no, really just a brand new issue we're noticing & trying to head off b4 it
becomes a daily issue.
truth, but the truth comes out in end.

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